Mairim Pérez has been combed with snails

Acylic, Canvas, 2006

€ 5.000,00

Everything in her is abundance, fullness, movement.
The artist plays with two big snails in hairspring, forming this beautiful woman's figuration.
It is a very daring work for their so much dynamics in color, like in their structure, everything is very well light, warm temperature balanced with the cold planes.
It is the life with their dynamics and fragrance.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: 2006

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 100 cm x 107 cm
  • Tecnica: Acylic
  • Stile: Contemporary
  • Supporto: Canvas

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Prezzo: € 5.000,00
  • Disponibile: si


  • Codice GA: GA4936
  • Archiviata il: 18/02/2008

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