New York Landscape

Oil and painting maunted on wo, Wood, 2008


A beautifull landscape where that 2 paintings with Crysler Building and Empire State Building are 2 artprint on wood maunted on the real work.Is painting in painting and the landscape is visible trough the window.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: 2008

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 45 cm x 80 cm x 2 cm
  • Tecnica: Oil and painting maunted on wo
  • Stile: painting, mixed medium
  • Supporto: Wood

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Disponibile: si


  • Codice GA: GA6315
  • Archiviata il: 26/03/2008

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