The wind

Acylic, Canvas, 2005

Splendid work where the artist paints us the wind. Conceptually it is a homage to the fullness, to maturity in the face of the life, with a total enjoyment. She is ethereal, dreams, germinates, she has an internal peace that transmits it to us. The pictorial gesture appeased in the diagonal structure symbolizes the escape of the movement. The artist uses the strong brushstrokes in curved lines, to give us the structural occlusion, logical of the love.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: 2005

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 60 cm x 83 cm
  • Tecnica: Acylic
  • Stile: Contemporary
  • Supporto: Canvas

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Disponibile: no


  • Codice GA: GA4982
  • Archiviata il: 20/02/2008

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