materica, 2016

€ 6.600,00

A word from the critics
“The heart has reasons of which reason knows nothing” stated contemporary French philosopher and theologian
Blaise Pascal, words that in many cases confirm the supremacy of the world of emotions over that of ratio.
Roberta Bissoli is a classical example of an artist who is stylistically difficult to classify: her work neither fully belongs to the realm of painting nor sculpture, her creative verve pertains to an instinct that is born within her to explode and “materically” become concrete in each and every one of her works.Transposed by her almost uncontrollable passion for artistic expression, she uses her
energy in a constant search for a new linguistic declination, through which she shows the evolution and the transfiguration of her own thoughts, emotions and reflections. Hence each of her works is the result of a color
analysis, from which materic spaces and architecture emerge - in the true sense of the word - giving a third
harmonic dimension to the compositional idea. The linguistic quest I alluded to refers to her capacity to
investigate and experiment matter through expressive compositions in which the attention to detail is an authentic added value. […] Roberta Bissoli manages to express her own depth and sensitivity with works in hich the empathy with the spectator is frank and extremely simple. Hence
the careful observation of each work is a voyage within a new world in which matter takes on body and form, rising
from the canvas in harmonious order to thus create new visions, new landscapes of the soul (Alberto Moioli).

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Arte Materica

  • Eseguita il: 2016

Informazioni tecniche

  • Tecnica: materica
  • Stile: astratto

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: italia
  • Prezzo: € 6.600,00
  • Disponibile: no

Informazioni Gigarte.com

  • Codice GA: GA128804
  • Archiviata il: 15/04/2018

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