Piero Gavino Camboni



"In ogni generazione della mia famiglia c'è sempre stato un artista che ha trovato espressione nella poesia. L'esempio a me più caro è quello di mio padre, Giovanni Camboni, che ha rotto i canoni tradizionali della poesia sarda. Un uomo che ha avuto un'incisiva influenza sulla mia carriera artistica, la quale ha però seguito un altro percorso: i colori.
Me li sono sempre sentiti nel sangue. Il mio desiderio era quello di studiare all'Istituto d'Arte, ma ho dovuto prendere altre strade. Nei momenti rubati al lavoro di ristoratore sono riuscito a raggiungere il mio obiettivo: traendo ispirazione dalla mia terra natia, la Sardegna, raffigurare la sua cultura, la sua tradizione e i suoi paesaggi, specialmente quelli più ruvidi dell'entroterra"
PIERO CAMBONI (1955-2012)

Così si raccontava mio padre Piero, innamorato dell'arte e della Sardegna. Come suo padre non ha potuto portare a termine la sua opera e i suoi progetti, ma nonostante questo ha lasciato la sua impronta, regalandoci questo patrimonio fatto di colori, emozioni e storie di Sardegna.

Valentina Camboni


My father was born the 14th of November 1955 in a little village in Sardinia, named “Pattada”. Pattada is very famous for his knives, known as “Resolza”. All over the world people goes to Pattada to see them. My father's parents were humbles persons and my grandfather was involved in Second World War.

I want to spend some words about my grandfather and his passion: he was a bilingual poet: he could write in Italian, and in Sardinian language too. He received a lot of awards, also from America, so I can say that I come from a family of artists.

At the age of 12, my father started working in a leather workshop: his job was painting on the leather. Here he realized that painting made him happy. His dream was to go in an Art school but he couldn't: infact, he learnt to paint by himself and graduated as chemical analyst. After that, due to economical reasons, he started working in restaurants as a chef.

In 1979, my father met my mother that was a waitress in a restaurant. They fell in love, and got married in 1984. After one year, I was born! During my childhood, I always watched my father painting, and I suddenly discovered that I was talented in painting too.

Even if he was busy with his work for several hours daily, he never stopped painting and he improved himself. He used to paint at night very often, and today we have more than 150 original paint of different sizes.

He loved to paint Sardinian landscapes, Sardinian masks, costumes and portraits. The process he preferred were oil on canvas and acrylic paint on canvas. He studied different artists during the years (he really loved Jackson Pollock’s works and Renato Guttuso's works),

He died of a liver desease in 11th November, 2012 and at the moment all his works are stocked at my house. I’m planning to organize a commemorative show in his hometown. After his death, I restarted painting, and I’d love to add my works into his show.

During the years, a lot of people came to see his works and he sold many paintings all over Italy.

Valentina Camboni


Sardegna, natura, entroterra, costumi sardi, maschere carnevale sardo, mare


Olio su tela, acrilico su tela