Monica Bianchini



I'm a theatre actress, make-up artist, singer, dancer and painter. I think one cannot chose to be an artist, you're just born to serve art with your body and soul....
I studied to be a tour operator as I love foreign languages and the idea of being able to comunicate with people in different countries as well as travelling and descovering different cultures and traditions. Yet, art has always taken the lead and while working with languages and tourism the priorities were to take singing, dancing and acting lessons...A priority and a deep need one can't refuse to satisfy.
Painting instead came as a surprise into my life.
At 18 my sister gave me some oil colours and a canvas for my birthday... After being told at school I was complete zero at any design or paint class I never even gave it a try after highschool, actually not even gave it a second thought... Then, that present just arrived and I thought "Let's have fun and just spread some colours on that canvas!"
And since that day I never stopped. Art must have decided that day to "use" me also in that way...And all I can do is be glad and honoured to serve...

Exhibitions of 2008:
-Nouveax artistes (Emerging artist) Exposision du Marché Couvert , Antibes, Cote d'Azur France
Monica Bianchini exposes " Deeply me" and "Le sud" ( "The south" )

Exhibitions of 2009:
- Sotto sopra (Upside down) : collettiva . Erotism and sensuality seen by art's eyes.
Studio di R. Barbieri Via della Bindellina 1/A Milano
Monica Bianchini exposes "The confession"
- Profumata-mente ( A perfumed mind ) : Smells and memories.
Studio R. Barbieri,Via della Bindellina1/A Milano.
Monica Bianchini exposes " Smells like happiness "
Exhibitions of 2010 :
- Indovina chi viene a cena? ( Guess who's coming over for dinner? ) : collettiva .Food and taste in art.
Studio multifunzionale Obyartstudio Via Poliziano 16 Milano
Rosso Wine Bar Via G. della Chiesa 3 Bareggio ( Milano )
La botte piena e... Milano
Monica Bianchini exposes " Mordimi! " ( " Bite me! " )
- ARTE-OLOGIA : collettiva.
Agriturismo Cà del Monte ( Piacenza )
Monica Bianchini exposes " My soul dances through time "
Conservazione dell'opera ' My soul dances through time '
presso Agriturismo Cà Del Monte,
Oltrepò Pavese

dal 21-03-2011 / al 02-04-2011
Collettiva d'arte ' RI_FLETTENDO_CI '
Esposizione dell'opera ' Summer's daughter '
presso Obyartstudiomultifunzionale
Via Procaccini 16, Milano

dal 21-03-2012 / al 31-03-2012
Collettiva d'arte : ' Potrebbe non essere come appare . Tra buio e luce il dinamismo delle forme e dei colori '
Esposizione dell'opera ' Dreamers au claire de lune '
presso Obyartstudiomultifunzionale
Via Procaccini 16, Milano


Instinct and passion are my guidelines when I'm painting. Just like under a spell...Sometimes it's the brushes, sometimes fingers, nails, sponges or even paper tissues and cloths that blend the vivid colours, which smell of sea and perfumes from the southland, on the naked canvas. A sort of pressure of something that feels the need to express itself, be fixed on a canvas and stay there to be revealed and admired... Not out of its perfection, but out of the secret and mistery that every painting takes within itself. They represent whispered words, secrets, clues of truths that crave to be unveiled, faces and places that want to tell their stories... My passion is a passion and an instinct for creating... with my hands...and remain enchanted in front of the birth of something that I, myself most probably did not expect...

El instinto y la pasión son mis guías cuando pinto. Como una especie de trance ... a veces los cepillos, a veces los dedos, las uñas, esponjas o toallas de papel y trapos mezclan colores brillantes y los olores que huelen de mar y del sur sobre el lienzo desnudo. A la presión de algo que siente la necesidad de expresarse, a fijarse en un paño y dejarse descubrir y admirar ... no por su perfección, sino por el secreto y el misterio que cada pintura trae consigo. Son palabras entrecortada, secretos, pistas de verdad que quieren ser conocidos, son rostros y lugares que deseen contar su historia ... Mi pasión es crear con el instinto .. con mis manos ... y ser admirada en el nacimiento de algo que tal vez ni siquiera que me esperaba ...

Istinto e passione sono le mie guide quando dipingo. Come in una sorta di trance... a volte i pennelli, a volte le dita, le unghie, le spugne o anche fazzoletti di carta e stracci mescolano i colori vivi, che sanno di mare e profumi del sud sulla tela nuda. Una pressione di qualcosa che sente il bisogno di esprimersi, fissarsi su una tela e lasciarsi scoprire e ammirare...Non per la propria perfezione, ma per il segreto e il mistero che ogni quadro porta con se. Sono parole sospirate, segreti, indizi di verità che vogliono essere conosciute, volti e luoghi che vogliono raccontare la propria storia...La mia é passione e istinto per il creare..con le mani...e restare ammirata alla nascita di qualcosa che neanche io forse mi aspettavo...


olio su tela - fusaggine su tela - inchiostri e pennarelli su carta - matite su carta - pastelli a cera - pastelli a olio - acrilici

Oil - charcoal - ink, pen and marker - pencil -oil and wax pastels - acrylic