Seascape Zeeland XXXL 2

acrylic / cotton, 2017

€ 9.500,00

A beautiful and colourful XXXL painting on stretched canvas 200x130 cm!!
This painting is painted in the midday after a rain shower with a lot of wind. In the foreground a part of the beach.

The large painting is stretched on 64 mm stretchers and is carefully sent in a wooden box. Because the sides of the painting are painted, a frame is not necessary. Ready to hang!

This painting was made by Wim van de Wege and is sent from the Netherlands.

A great painting for a large wall in your home or office!

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: 10 luglio 2017

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 200 cm x 130 cm x 3 cm
  • Tecnica: acrylic / cotton
  • Stile: impressionstic

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: Studio wimvandewege paintings, The Netherlands
  • Prezzo: € 9.500,00
  • Disponibile: si


  • Codice GA: GA130381
  • Archiviata il: 26/05/2018

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